Commenting on different blogs does create a sense of community. Commenting with other "bloggers" can expand not only your blog but your interest, as well. A blog without comments is just a social media website where you put your feelings and beliefs on. Once you have others commenting on your blog, it becomes a discuss, and others can interact with you and share their stance on your blog. There were several different things that really stuck out to me from the reading. The guidelines on how to comment were very helpful. I agree that all should be respectful when commenting because we would want to same respect on our blog. I also enjoyed how "Cool Cat Teacher Blog" gave pointers on how to comment like a queen. It was very helpful, and reassured me that commenting is important.
The seven blogs that I commented on are: Mallory Johnson, Hannah Mann, Lauren Williams, Autumn Kirkland, Lesley Wallace, and two posts off of Kendyl Davis' blog "Hello World". Kendyl is a friend of mine who has recently become quite to successful blogger. She blogs about her life experience and she reminds me of a young Carrie Bradshaw. She is a very cut-throat writer, and writes about topics that are relevant in today's youthful society. Here is the link to her blog (Warning: there is some loud language in some of her post):
One example of a comment that I left of Lesley Wallace's blog was commenting on her experience with Flicker. The way that Lesley related the picture to her future career was very inspiring, and I truly appreciated the time and love that she puts into her goal of becoming a teacher.
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