Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Thing 1.

 I believe that people never stop learning. We learn something new everyday, even if we don't exactly think that we are learning. Take this blog, for instance. I came into this assignment knowing nothing about blogs, and yet here I am writing a blog. I am learning how to setup a blog, manage a blog, and even design a blog. I believe that people should strive to be lifelong learners, and never settle for "just enough". 

I think Habit 1, Begin with the End in Mind, is probably both the easiest and hardest for me to   adopt. At the age that I am, I can only see one future where I would be perfectly happy and content with. Now, I know that the world is not all "cookie-cutter" and perfect, but I am also aware of how my determination will play into me being able to do the things that I want. It is hard to plan with the end in mind because my future might change. I don't know what the future holds for me. Heck, I don't even know what tomorrow holds for me. As scary as that may seem, it can also be rather exciting. I know there is a bright future ahead of me. Even though it is hard for me to plan with the end in mind, it is easy for me to be eager to enter the unknown head-on.

So buckle up and get ready for the time of your life! 


  1. I really enjoyed reading your thing#1 blog. Yoe seem like you are a very optimistic person. I love the statement which says, "I believe that people should strive to be lifelong learners, and never settle for just enough". In the past, I was one of those who settled. I have changed my mind and have decided to better my life. Your blog is encouraging to me!

  2. I really enjoyed reading your blog. It inspired me to take a deeper look at my future and what it holds for me. I also liked that you posted a picture to go along with your blog. The picture reminded me that there is a big and new world out there and that I am ready to take it out and began my career someday. I agree that no one knows what the future holds for them. or even tomorrow, but I like that you seem to be very optimistic about it. It makes me feel optimistic as well.
